Meeting Schedule
Regular meetings of the Tallahassee Historical Society are held the second Thursday of each month, October through May. Our monthly meetings feature guest speakers on a variety of topics related to local and state history. Meetings are preceded by socializing and snacks and the meetings include Society business and our guest speaker.
Current members will receive upcoming program details by email. Not a member? Join today!
Join us for our 2024-25 season and commemorate Tallahassee’s Bicentennial!
Upcoming 2024-25 Meetings
Thursday, September 26:
Speaker: Doug Smith
“The 1890s Tallahassee Street Railway”
*Thursday, November 14:
Speakers: Doug Smith
“George Saxon & the Development of Modern Tallahassee”
Thursday, December 12:
Christmas Dinner
Speaker: John Foster
“19th Century Florida Tourism”
*Thursday, January 9:
Speakers: Michelle Hearn
“The Union Bank”

All monthly meetings (*) will be held at Mission San Luis
(2100 W. Tennessee St, Tallahassee, FL)
Reception at 5:30 PM
Program at 6:00 PM